Toerail Repairs
The toerail on a yacht serves a number of purposes, both aesthetic and practical. One such use of the wooden toerail is as a partially sacrificial layer. Lines and warps often rub on the toerail and wear gouges in the wood. Other times when a vessel bumps into something, the toerail will end up protecting the hull and breaks instead. In all of these cases, toerails can be repaired in sections when required.
Sam and Dani have both had occasion to complete toerail repairs with their respective employers at the time, as well as taking on repairs as Richardson Boat Works.

Plywood template of toerail repair including stanchion location

Profile view of replacement timber, including birdsmouth join marking

The completed repair. The repair is visible as the slightly paler section

Toerail damage

Broken section removed and hull cleaned up

New section made

Fitted to the boat, and final shape in place

Caulking and brass rubbing strip replaced

Damage from anchor after t-bone

There was both GRP and teak repair to be done

Damaged teak removed, GRP repair in progress

New teak installed

INew teak installed

Caulking applied

Deck hardware re-fitted. Repair finished